My other cat (her brother) is a black coat in what we call a "Tuxedo" pattern because the few patches of white fur are located similar to the formal british tuxedo suit.
I am very hard on sweaters (snag them on everything) and don't wear them because of that. Thank you for the kind offer.
Almost all of the trees are bare of leaves now.
Temps are 12 during the day and 5 at night. Getting cooler each week. This is on the bottom of "nice" temperature for me.
Your cats look happy to me. Littermates? We have no naturally occuring house cats. Most came from europe on sailing ships and are of the british tabby build and pelt. The tabby pattern is alternate rows of brown and black zig zag stripes. The body is short and wide with stocky legs. Other colors appear with the tabby pattern. What I know of your country is what we call Siamese. A longer, thinner cat with long legs. A light gray body with dark feet, face and tail. Yours look like a orange tabby I would see hear that are all legs like a teenager. So, do you have other types than Siamese in your country? Are your cats still growing? You mentioned 4 cats (1 stubborn) in a previous e-mail. Camera shy?
I hope the huge storm heading your way lessens for you when it hits your neighborhood. It is very big right now.