2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials2.1.1. The following materials were usedSilicone oil (SiO) of lower viscosity (10 mPa s) was obtained fromSigma-Aldrich® and silicone oil (SiO2) of higher viscosity (50 mPa s)from Polymerschmiede®. Olive oil (OO), and the olive oil solu-ble dye “Oil Blue N” were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich®. Thewater soluble Tween 80 (polyethyleneglycol sorbitan monooleate)and asolectin (ASO) (≈25% phosphatidylcholine from soybean)were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich®. Fat free lecithin (LEC) (≤10%phosphatidylcholine) was purchased from Carl Roth®. Phospho-lipon 90G (PC) ((≈94% phosphatidylcholine) was purchased fromPhospholipon®. Methylrot was used as water soluble dye. Waterwas purified with a Milli-Q system (Millipore®).