Table 2: The effects of Tagetes erecta L. supplementation on body
weight, feed consumption, egg production, and egg weight.
Supplementation of Tagetes erecta L. (g/kg)
0 10 20 SEM
Initial body weight (g) 1259 1279 1250 24
Final body weight (g) 1316 1320 1270 28
Feed consumption g/bird 128.1 123.57 117.26 3.87
Egg production (%) 72.0 76.67 71.33 2.93
Egg weight (g) 70.69a 70.21a 67.97b 0.31
1Diets were supplemented with 0, 10, or 20 g/kg marigold flower for 6 weeks.
a,bValues are expressed as means and without a common superscript are
significantly different within a row (