comply with the requirements, restrictions and prohibitions may be
subject to fines and/or imprisonment.
10.2.7 The Industrial Product Standards Act
Under the Industrial Product Standards Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) (the
“Industrial Product Standards Act”), “standard” refers, among
other things, to the shape, endurance and safety of, and the method of
manufacturing, designing and packaging for, a product. Standards
prescribed under the Industrial Product Standards Act can be
compulsory or voluntary.
The Ministry of Industry may issue a Notification prescribing
industrial standards for any industrial product with which
manufacturers or importers may voluntarily comply for the promotion
of the industry. Any manufacturer or importer who wishes to comply
with the standards must obtain a license from the Ministry of Industry.
Once the license is granted, the products of the manufacturer or
importer can bear the industrial standards logo.
The Ministry of Industry may also, by way of a Royal Decree,
prescribe compulsory industrial standards for any industrial product,
either manufactured in, or imported into, Thailand. Compulsory
industrial standards are issued to ensure the safety of, or prevent harm
to, the public, the industry, or the economy. Once any product
becomes subject to a compulsory industrial standard, it cannot be
manufactured or imported unless the appropriate license is obtained
from the Ministry of Industry. Once a license is obtained,
manufacturers or importers must display the industrial standards logo
on their products.
A licensed manufacturer is prohibited from using the standards logo
on products that do not conform to the industrial standards prescribed
by law. In addition, a licensed manufacturer is prohibited from
advertising or selling a product known to violate standards defined by