defined culture as “shared understandings made manifest in act and artifact", “This is consistent with the definition used by the GLOBE 1 research project, which examines culture as practices and values.” Practices are acts or “the way things are done in this culture,” and values are artifacts because they are human made and, in this specific case, are judgments about “the way things should be done.” The issue of defining culture is further complicated by the fact that culture is dynamic and constantly changing. Certainly technology, such as the introduction of automobiles, home computers, email, and electricity, has had profound effects. The move from agricultural societies to industrialized societies and rural to urban has resulted in changed conceptions about gender roles, time, and space. The change from industrialized to information societies has resulted in changes in communications patterns and approaches, and in concepts of time. Additionally, cultural inter- mingling due to such factors as colonization, diasporas (which have scattered groups such as Africans and Jews), and immigration has impacted culture.