Visual Studio gives you great fl exibility with regard to how text is displayed in the Document
Window. You can change things like font size, font color, and even the background color of the
text. You can access the Font and Colors settings by choosing Tools Í Options, and then choosing
Environment Í Fonts and Colors.
One thing I like to customize in the Document Window is the tab size, which controls the number of
spaces that are inserted when indenting code. To change the tab size, choose Tools Í Options, and
then under Text Editor choose All Languages Í Tabs. I usually set the Tab and Indent Size to 2 spaces, leaving the other settings in the Tab panel untouched. Another thing I like to customize
is the number of line breaks before and after HTML elements. The Options window gives you full
control over this: Select Text Editor Í HTML Í Formatting and then click Tag Specifi c Options.
In the list on the left you can select a tag and then with the settings on the right you can control
how the tag is formatted. The Preview box makes it easy to see how the various settings change the
With the exception of the Tab Size being set to 2 and the number of line breaks around a few
HTML elements, all screen shots in this book show the default setup of VSEW.