At some point, nearly all fashion writers interview a model. The prospect of speaking to such a glamazon intimidates many writers but rest assured that even the most beautiful of models are people, too.
Be as polite and professional as you would with any other interviewee, and the experience should yield promising writing material. In case you're struggling to come up with appropriate questions, here are a few to get you started. Obviously not all of them will suit your needs and you will likely have to develop several of your own. Nonetheless, these questions should inspire you as you prepare for your first model interview:
*Give me some basic information about yourself. Where are you from? Where do/did you go to high school/college? What are some of your main interests and hobbies?
*How would you describe your professional interests?
*What's your background in modeling? When and why did you get started? Was it for the glamour? The money? Pure kicks?
*Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why?
*Which fashion magazines, websites, blogs, and catalogs do you visit most often?
*What's your fashion mantra?
*How would you describe your style? Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more.
*Where do you generally shop?
*What other modeling projects have you done? Could you provide links?
*Out of all of the photos the photographer took of you, which is your favorite and why?
*What makes [your city's] fashion unique?
*Do you have any other experience in the fashion industry (writing, photography, marketing, etc.)?
*What is fun and rewarding about modeling?
*What do you dislike about modeling?
*What advice do you have for other aspiring models?
*How do you prepare for a modeling shoot?
*How would you describe working with the photographer?
*What makes a stylish lady or man? Is there a difference?
*How would you describe the photographer's style?
*What comments do you have about frugal fashion--smart or petty?
*Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers? (They do not have to be famous.)
*What does fashion mean to you?
*What distinguishes a good model from a bad one?
*What distinguishes a good photograph from a bad one?
*What are some things you dislike/hate about the fashion industry?
*What makes [your city] a good shopping city? How could [your city's] shopping be improved?
*What are some other cities you think provide good/great shopping experiences?
*How has modeling changed other aspects of your life?
*Do you do your own hair and make-up?
*What are some of the main differences between runway and photographic modeling?
*What was the premise for the shoot you did with the photographer?
*What's your favorite outfit in this set of photos?
*What's your favorite outfit from your own closet? Do you have your own personal uniform?
*Describe the atmosphere when you're on a shoot. Do you play music? Do you talk with the photographer between shots?
*Anything else you'd like to say?