Who's up for a game of soccer you boys against your dad." Sandy said out
of the clear blue.
"Sounds good mom." Sixteen year old Chuck said. He sat bare chested
wearing a pair of ripped jean shorts and sandals.
"Okay with me." Matt smiled his blue eyes seemed to sparkle. He was also
bare chested wearing only a pair of navy blue gym shorts.
"What about you Jeff?" Sandy asked looking at me and smiling. It sounded
like a good idea doing something as a family.
"Good idea honey." I answered draining the rest of my coffee. I only had
my shorts and t-shirt on. Sandy had on a pair of small fitting shorts and
bikini top. "Lets get going then." I said getting up.
We all went outside to the side of the house and I picked up the soccer
ball laying out beside the cabin. "Lets go boys." Sandy said and smiled.