The schedule used for the interviews was translated into Krio (the most widely spoken language in Sierra Leone) and tested in a pre-survey using 10 farmers from Gbentiwallah. The tested questionnaire was adjusted and sent to the Statistics Department at Lancaster University for approval before the survey. The interviews were carried out by a team of six people, which included five trained field assistants, over a two month period. The questionnaires for health workers were distriuted to health personnel and either collected the same day or a day after.Focus group discussions were also held with target groups not covered by the interviews. The non-target groups were young farmers and women who support farming activities. Group sizes varied from 6 to 10 participants. The interview schedule was used to guide the discussions but not to limit the information to that required by the schedule.Communications were conducted mainly in Krio although two were in Themene, one in Susu, and one in Mende. The discussions were