Allergen load of mite in the dust samples collected from the patient’s house was found to be proportional to the severity of allergic attack in some of the typical cases. G3 level of severity was recorded in maximum number of cases (73 cases) followed by G1 level (42 cases). G2 and G4 cases were less in number (18 and 17 cases, resp.). About 35% of the patients with G4 level of severity showed higher dust mites count (greater than 100 mites/500 mg of dust sample). Similarly 8% of patients with G3 level of severity were found to have more than 100 mites count/500 mg of dust samples. Maximum number of dust mites were recorded in the samples collected from patient number 118 (204/500 mg dust) followed by P31 (187/500 mg dust), P13 (152/500 mg dust), and all these patients were suffering from frequent respiratory allergic attack (Figure 5). Statistical correlation between the grade of allergic/respiratory symptoms and mites population in the dust samples of the selected samples were found to be significant (r = 0.52,