1. Two Druck DPI 145 Pressure Indicators are mounted on each work bench. Power up the indicator. After a short period of time, the front panel display should be indicating the present input pressure.
If the message “There are no indicator displays selected” appears on the display, this means that a measurement channel (M1 to M6) has not been specified. Follow the directions given in section 4.5.1 (pages 4-23 and 4-24) of the manual to select the 20 bar gauge pressure transducer (M1) for display.
2. The presently configured measurement channel M1 has four different pressure units that can be selected for display; kPag, psig, inH204 and mmH2O. Follow the directions given in section 4.5.2 (pages 4-24 and 4-25) of the manual to change the displayed pressure unit to kPag, then psig, then inH204, then mmH2O.
3. The ZERO key on the front panel is used to zero the pressure display when there is no pressure applied to the input of the transducer (i.e. 0 gauge pressure). Ensure that there is no pressure applied to the input of the transducer by inserting a Swagelok male stem into the Swagelok female body, then press the ZERO key to zero the display.
. Connect the output of one of the bench mounted pressure regulators to the transducer input of the Druck DPI 145.