. I
In this era, the computer processors are having a fixed ar-
chitecture with ASICs. These processors only become cheaper
if are manufactured in a massive amount. Advancements and
inventions lead new processor releases that requires higher cost
for the replacement of processor, motherboards and likely to
be of operating systems also. This also impacts on economy of
the customer. In the past decade the IT market is having a fast
growth with the advancements in Micro-electronics industry.
Although this growth indiactes a positive sign of technology
upgrade with a space for new research. But in domestic and
industrial market the applications of computer are everywhere,
whether it is personal computer with small capacity or it is
big mainframe. Although the new processor release by the
industry is having the similar organization as it had before
but the new one is having some improved speed and other
additional features. So a customer needs to replace the old