Although challenging, the crop-based approach, or aspects thereof,
had great potential to be integrated with existing health programs. The
Department of Health in the Eastern Cape Province initiated a highdose
vitamin A supplementation program into which orange-fleshed
sweet potato was successfully integrated through a community-based
communication project: Mdantsane for Vitamin A (Table 4). Evaluation
of the project showed that the integrated approach resulted in increased
coverage of vitamin A supplementation, knowledge of vitamin A needs
and benefits, and cultivation and consumption of orange-fleshed sweet
potato (Mdingi, 2008). Itwas argued that, although food (crop)-based interventions
requiremajor inputs in time and technical support, these interventions
have tangible and rewarding benefits for the community
(Magasana, Witten, Romano, & Beeforth, 2004).