I have to kill the old man, I thought, "and then that terrible eye will never look at me again Now, you think am mad. But madmen are stupid. I w mad. was and careful. Imade plan and followed it. I was very kind to the old man in the week before I killed him. Every night, at about midnight, I carefully opened his door slowly Very slowly and quietly, I put my head into the room. When my head was in the room, I opened the little door of my lantern'. The light fell on the old man's face. It fell on his eye. But his eye was always closed, so I could not kill him. I did not feel sick when the eye was closed. I only felt sick when it was open. The evils eye. And each morning, I went into his room with a smile on my face"Did you sleep well?" I asked him cheerfully. He did not know that I visited him every night. On the eighth night I was more careful. I opened the door very slowly. That night I felt strong. The old man knew nothing about my plan. I almost laughed. Suddenly he moved on the bed. Did I stop? Did I leave the room? No, I didn't. The room was black in the dark. Iknew that the old man could see nothing. My head was in the room. I was ready to open the little door of my lantern. He had to be asleep again. I made a little noise with the light. "Who's there?" he cried and sat up in bed. He I did not move. I said nothing. For an hour I did not move was sitting up in bed listening. He was growing more afraid. His heart was beating fast. Then he made a sound. It was the sound of terror from a mans heart. I felt sorry for him. He was saying to himself, "It was only the wind. It was only a mouse under the bed. It was nothing.