History DOI Inthanon DOI Inthanon National Park in Chiang Mai Declaration as a National Park. When the sequence is 2515 (1972) MOK's Thai country 6. 482.4 square kilometers of area The district covers an area of Chom thong, Mae chaem district and King Amphoe DOI Lo of Chiang Mai. DOI Inthanon, DOI was originally also called "DOI Luang" or "Doi Ang Ka" DOI Luang came from the size of a large hill. Villagers called "DOI Luang" (capital: as above mean large)DOI Inthanon The past tense before the northern forests are in control of the Prince. God the small earthen cistern thawit pills Prince Hotel Chiang Mai (the last part) He was also very sensitive, especially in the forest area of DOI Luang God that if the death order, bring some bones to create packaged on DOI sathup. The DOI name is call a "DOI Inthanon" but contains bangkrasaeklao that at DOI Inthanon, DOI Luang, called it, is because it is an honor. Prince's name from the word "DOI Luang", which is a name that is unique to the DOI Luang Chiang DAO district, but later with Germans came to survey and measure which Prague daphon that DOI Luang, or Doi Ang Ka Mae chaem district are higher. DOI Luang Chiang DAO district of the new name change to prevent redundancy and call the DOI also says "DOI Inthanon"DOI Inthanon National Park was originally part of DOI Inthanon national forest. " It was surveyed and established as one of the fourteen. The forest authorities, carried out a national forest raekkrom which was offered the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives, defines the area of DOI Inthanon National Park, an area of 1000 sq km or approx. 625000 Rai, but due to several communities living in space before its new exploration and community.Areas where people lived before, and anticipate future problems. It remains an area to be declared as DOI Inthanon National Park 270 sq. km or approximately 168750 Rai announced October 2, 1972 and June 13, 1978, in the Government announced additional areas as 482.4 sq. km, Mae chaem district Chom thong district and King Amphoe DOI Lo has a height of water level 400 lapanklang-2, 565.3341 meters is the highest mountain in the country, Thai for the purpose of establishing a national park land, according to the National Park Act, Chapter 6, section 1 2504 (1961)
at DOI DOI Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai, declared a national park on the 2515 declared a national park is the 6 Thailand has an area of 482.4 square kilometers, covering an area of in the field of MAE chaem District, protection, and the branch District, Chiang Mai Province at DOI DOI DOI Lo was originally named "DOI Luang" or "mountain basin." from the size of the DOI DOI Luang big.DOI Luang (Royal. ""A northern means big)
.DOI Inthanon, past before the northern forest under the control of the ruler of the city of various modern Chandragupta Maurya, the ruler of Chiang Mai. (the last). He gave priority to forestry greatly.You say that If he died to bring up build a stupa contains some ashes on the mountain. This hill is the name calls "back", but some data stream, said that DOI Luang called DOI Inthanon,.Your rulers, so named from the word "DOI Luang" which is the name that are unique to the DOI Luang District of Dao. But the Germans. To survey and measure, which showed that the DOI Luang or mountain basin, MAE chaem height.Of Chiang Dao District is renamed to prevent the overlap each other and call this mountain that "back"
.DOI Inthanon National Park, was originally part of DOI Inthanon national forest. "" Later, are examined and the establishment is one of the fourteen. The government of the forest is a national park, which offers the first forestThe area, 1000 square kilometers, or about 625000 ranch, but due to the area the different communities live before many communities, the new exploration and the area was before and is expected to have problems in the future. It left the area to announce a DOI Inthanon National Park 270 square km.Or about 168 750 Rai, dated October 2515 2 announced on June 2521 and 13 government announced the area raises a 482.4 square kilometers. District, MAE chaem, protection, and the height of the water level กิ่งอำเภอดอยหล่อ collision art work, านกล 400-2 565.3341 meters, is the highest mountain in Thailand for the purpose of determining land for a national park, a National Park Act The 2504 category 1 Section 6.