2. Characteristics Related to Ficus benjamina Adaptation to an Interior Low Light
Level. Rooted cuttings were potted singly in 20-cm diameter containers filled with Vergo
Mix A and grown in a shadehouse with a light level of 300 µmol/m2
/s. Each container
was topdressed with 7 g of an eight-month formulation Osmocote 17-7-12 and watered
two to three times a week. After one year of growth, uniform plants were selected, and
leaf areas, specific leaf areas, leaf thickness, internode lengths, and chlorophyll contents
of 40 fully expanded mature leaves were measured. The plants were then placed in
interior evaluation rooms under a light intensity of 16 µmol/m2
/s. One year after indoor
placement, leaf and specific leaf areas, leaf thickness, internode lengths, and chlorophyll
contents of 40 fully expanded mature leaves produced indoors were measured.