I remember you told me. In the future, if there are changes happening to you.
If you meet people who make you happy in real life. I should be glad to you.
If you need to feel good with someone you don't like, and it makes you suffering.
It might be a bad idea. I want you to be happy, Martin.
I know, you like Europe girls, more than Asian. haha
I have been talking to earlier. I might can't do it.
Sure, it is thought that I wanted to do it. But I have to look to the future in fact.
If tomorrow or the next day. You don't see me here. There even just one day, you will think of me?
You ever told me, You never have a girlfriend. I often think to something...><
I have a friend here 3 people, Including you. (1 America 1 Korea)
1 America is a friend of Thailand, he worked there. But we know here.
I can type in Thailand with him. But he can't type in Thailand, He type in English away. ><
2 Korea, It is a technical error for me. >< I press accept a friend unintended.
We talked 2 times from the first day until now. -_-!
And, of course,( I saw ) they have just a female friend. and you Ummm...(one man) haha ><
I secretly delight and wonder. (If you will ask..I want you to accept a female friend increases.