Be a Confident & Great Driver (Subliminal Programming) MatrixPlay99
MatrixPlay99 ·ดู 2,489 ครั้ง
เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2016·Play at 480p
Headphones: Optional
Listen at least 20 min. a day (but the longer, the better)
Results varies per person but usually manifest between 2 weeks to 6 months
Avoid listening to this while doing tasks that require focus and while driving - if you want to order personalized subliminals/ high quality audios/ more powerful and etc. with reasonable prices. HTTPS://SELLFY.COM/LEICA1998 - to buy cheap high quality/ unaltered/ uncompressed audios Video or audio will not work when downloaded from any external sites - it has been tested many times before.