The evaluation shows that the contribution of logistics services varies significantly. With a standard deviation of 2.43%, further assessment shows that the values for Estonia, Lithuania and Sweden are above the arithmetic mean plus standard deviation measure of 9.51% (7.08% + SD). The Netherlands and Ireland are below the arithmetic mean minus standard deviation measure of 4.65% (7.08% - SD). The high relevance of Estonia and Lithuania as logistical transit countries for Russia can explain a higher share (36). The fact that Sweden does not show a value for H53 Postal and courier services is surprising. Structural business statistics consist of 436 enterprises in Sweden in this sector in 2011, even though no turnover information has been reported for these. Also Sweden’s input-output tables for 2008 show no values for H53.
To gain a better insight into the shares of the logistical subsectors, further results are presented in Figure 2.30.