All the phone conversations and emails were related to return flight BKK- Bucharest - BKK at business class and change the leaving date, from the initial booking, from 13 June to 12 June.
Yesterday evening I sent to you a snap shot from Qatar Airways showing flights and price, including the class, where it shown very clear BUSINESS (I am attaching again). The right fly dates for my and my family, were reconfirmed by email in this morning.
So, again, communication was very clear from my site.
Please cancel the bookings and let me do it online. I will pay and I will invoice TET. If the cost of tickets will be higher than budget (it may not be), I will pay the extra. Please note that I will NOT pay for this cancellation as is not my fault for the wrong booKing. Sure, I will take care for the first one, when I asked for Class change.