- you Must use an HB PENCILto complete ALL parts of the Answer Sheet.
- Each question shows FOUR possible possible answers (lettered 'a'.'b'. 'c'. and 'd'). only ONE is correct.
- Decide which one is correct and fill in the appropriate box 0 on your ANSWER SHEET with your HB pencil.
-For example if you decide 'c'. is correct, fill in the appropriate box like this. 0 if you want to change your answer. rub it out thoroughly. tHEN FILL IN The box which you have now decided is correct.
- Any calculations or rough work can be done in this Question Book.
- Attempt all questions; if you find a Question difficult, leave it and return ti it later.
. This paper contains 60 questions; answer them, using the "boxes" numbered 1 to 60 in the Answer Sheet.