„Mr. Ma, you also really thinks that I don't dare to kill you?” Sun Feiyang both eyes narrow the eyes, the corners of the mouth revealed have wiped the cloudy and cold evil to smile.
„Life who not died since old times? My Ma, never fears death.” The horse senior village heads laugh, a face is unexpectedly calm, smiles to look at the life and death.
„Good breadth of spirit, to be honest, to such a young brat, I really have not needed to kill you.”
„Because, I want him, present you, cannot block.” During Sun Feiyang speeches, personal appearance one vertical, vanishes unexpectedly does not see, when he appears once again, passed over gently and swiftly unexpectedly silently Master Ma, stood before the body of Chu Feng.
„Has me, you gave up any idea of that injures him.” However regarding this, Master Ma as if early is prepared, the thought rotation, together the Spirit Formation method then along with reading to live, was stranded Sun Feiyang, wanted bound his motion.
„Present you, but can also block me?”
However, facing the Formation shackles at this moment, Sun Feiyang actually does not fear, sees only its big sleeve to wield, in that Emperor rank Martial Power wreaks havoc, then shook the smashing the Formation shackles, at the same time, goes to several kilometers flying upside down that Master Ma shook, weak lying down on the ground.
„Village head Sir.” Sees that the Ancient Sealing Village people, hurry to close, go to watch the life experience of Master Ma.
At once, already nobody cared about Chu Feng and Wang Qiang safety.
But Chu Feng, is actually caring about the safety of Master Ma, is not thinking Sun Feiyang in his near, instead is to overrun, therapy for the horse senior village heads.
„Chu Feng walks in a big hurry, you not awfully?” Sees that Wang Qiang hurries to hold Chu Feng, wants to lead him to escape.
„Falling of running away.”
However, Sun Feiyang simply has not actually given them this opportunity, sees only a boundless pressure to drop from the clouds, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, are similar to two dead dogs are then ordinary, was pressed to lie on the ground.
„Chu Feng, may nobody rescue now you.”
„You could rest assured that you after all are Cyanwood Mountain disciple, I will not kill your, I will only discard your cultivation am.”
Before Sun Feiyang arrives at the Chu Feng body, be with smile on the face at the same time, holds up that King Armament big axe, when the big arm wields, the golden time then has chopped together to the waist of Chu Feng.
His where is must discard cultivation of Chu Feng is, this must cut two Chu Feng.
„You determined that nobody did rescue Chu Feng?”
But who once thinks, in this is at a crucial moment, the old sound actually suddenly resounds together, at the same time, before body of Chu Feng, void trembles, the old palm, always doing nothing but void finds out together.
And, do not look that palm is dried up like the firewood, but is containing the infinite strength, unexpectedly steady grasping in that the King Armament big axe above, has cut to strike Sun Feiyang, keeping off.
„Is you?” But at this moment, even if Sun Feiyang, is mouth slightly, the facial expression big change, has let loose the King Armament big axe in hand, backed up backward one step.