Siam City Cement Company and its subsidiaries (“the Group’) commit to creating value for all its stakeholders. In doing so, The principles of sustainable development; value creation, sustainable environmental performance, and corporate social responsibility are integral to the company’s business strategy. In addition, the Group is committed to ethical business practices, uphold high standard of legal compliance with applicable laws and regulations, guided by the principles of integrity and business ethics to support our commitment to the business sustainability and comply with the Group Business Code of Conducts
Therefore, the Group seeks to engage in relationships with suppliers that are committed to the same high standards. With this purpose, we have put in place the Supplier Code of Conduct which is enclosed for your reference. It outlines our expectations on commitments from the suppliers. Since Siam City Cement Company and its subsidiaries prefer to deal business with suppliers who can commit to this Supplier Code of Conduct, we do encourage you to clearly understand this Supplier Code of Conduct, commit and extend it to your next tier suppliers for a sustainable supply chain.
We do appreciate if you will return us the acknowledgement with signature and thank you for your cooperation and support. Should you require further clarification, please feel free to contact our Corporate Procurement staffs.