Tinkers Island is a fictional story, set in 1798, and revolves around a teenage girl with her father who is falsely accused of theft. It shows how she reacts and survives the incidents that occur to them one after another.
Pages 1–7: It was 1798 in London. A thief ran into Sam Tinker and passed a watch to him. The police thought Sam was the thief and arrested him. This was the era of convict transportation; thieves were sent to Australia in big ships. Jenny, Sam’s daughter, pretended to be a boy and got work on the ship where her father was a prisoner. Six weeks later Jenny rescued Sam, and they escaped in a small boat. After five days they found an island.
Pages 8–15: Jenny and Sam made their new house on the island. They called the island ‘Tinkers Island.’ For the first year they were very happy, but then Sam was bitten by a snake and became weak. One day a big ship came to the island. Jenny and Sam got on this ship to start a new life, saying goodbye to Tinkers Island.