This paper reviews previous research works on radial flow and end suction centrifugal pump operating as turbine for standalone microhydro application. Experimental and simulationworks show that, by inversing the fluid flow, end suction centrifugal pump can work well in turbine mode. However, BEP for turbine mode is slightly lower than the pump mode. Efficiency improvement is viable by modification of the pump impeller and it was found that rounding impeller tips contribute the highest efficiency improvement. Induction motors which usually come with pump can be modified in to induction generator by adding capacitor .ELC can be used to regulate voltage and frequency producing satisfactory power quality by maintaining shaft rotational speed. The use of induction generator further reduces the overall cost and justifies the economic feasibility of PAT as practical options. With low initial cost, energy generation cost is 5 times lower and the payback period is shorter than commercial hydro turbines. Moreover, the know-how maintenance knowledge is readily available in local areas. Thisfurtherreducesmaintenanceandoperationalcostofthe system.