2.4. Population structure
We assessed population structure using both classical FST calculations
as well as an Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA). We
estimated genetic differentiation among all populations and between
pairs of populations with FST (Weir and Cockerham, 1984; calculated
by Arlequin) using 95% confidence limits. In addition, we performed an
Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) using the software package
Arlequin (Schneider et al., 2000).We first analyzed the complete data set
in order to uncover any differences between the island of Bangkulu and
the remainder of the samples. This allowed for comparison between the
current microsatellite data set and the mitochondrial DNA data set of
Bernardi and Vagelli (2004).Then we conducted a further analysis using
the second data set that only included samples from the island of
Bangkulu. Finally, in order to test for isolation by distance in the samples
from Bangkulu, we conducted a MANTEL test using linear pairwise FST
values and pairwise distance (km) among adult samples as implemented
in GENEPOP (10,000 permutations). We conducted two MANTEL tests,
one with just the Pka 06 locus and one with both loci (Pka 06 and Pka 11)
and applied them to the whole island of Bangkulu, and then to the east
coast and to the west coast, independently (populations Bak 6 to Bak11).
Sample sizes were not large enough in the remainder of the Archipelago
to perform such a test at that scale.
2.4. Population structureWe assessed population structure using both classical FST calculationsas well as an Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA). Weestimated genetic differentiation among all populations and betweenpairs of populations with FST (Weir and Cockerham, 1984; calculatedby Arlequin) using 95% confidence limits. In addition, we performed anAnalysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) using the software packageArlequin (Schneider et al., 2000).We first analyzed the complete data setin order to uncover any differences between the island of Bangkulu andthe remainder of the samples. This allowed for comparison between thecurrent microsatellite data set and the mitochondrial DNA data set ofBernardi and Vagelli (2004).Then we conducted a further analysis usingthe second data set that only included samples from the island ofBangkulu. Finally, in order to test for isolation by distance in the samplesfrom Bangkulu, we conducted a MANTEL test using linear pairwise FSTvalues and pairwise distance (km) among adult samples as implementedin GENEPOP (10,000 permutations). We conducted two MANTEL tests,one with just the Pka 06 locus and one with both loci (Pka 06 and Pka 11)and applied them to the whole island of Bangkulu, and then to the eastcoast and to the west coast, independently (populations Bak 6 to Bak11).Sample sizes were not large enough in the remainder of the Archipelagoto perform such a test at that scale.
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