People will be excluded if diagnosed with full-blown depression or having a moderate to high suicide risk according the Dutch version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). [54,55], a short diagnostic psychiatric interview to assess DSM-IV and ICD-10 disorders. The MINI was validated in a cross-national study involving more than 600 subjects. The concordance and psychometric values of the MINI Core, as compared to the CIDI [56] and the SCID-P [57], were found to be satisfactory. Furthermore, applicants scoring below the inclusion criteria of depressive and anxiety symptoms will be excluded, measured by a score of 9 and below on the Dutch version of the CES-D [48] and a score of 2 and below on the Dutch version of the HADS-A [49]. In addition, when applicants started taking anti-depressant medication or benzodiazepines recently (within the previous 2 months) or are currently receiving any psychological treatment they will be excluded. Finally, people will be excluded if the health care professionals assess that other serious psychopathology is present; then they are referred for psychological treatment. Applicants eligible to participate will be asked to sign an informed consent form.