Classroom Climate
Think back to your experiences in elementary and secondary school. Were you comfortable
in some classes and uncomfortable in others? Did you look forward to some because they
were interesting and stimulating, while you dreaded others and watched the clock in them
as the minutes dragged by? The answer for virtually all of us is “yes.”
In some classes, the emotional feeling is healthy, positive, and supportive of learning.
The environment that supports these feelings represents the classroom climate. In
classes with a positive climate, students feel capable, included, and secure. A balance is
maintained between teacher direction and student choice, students have freedom within
well-defined limits, and learner responsibility is emphasized over rigid adherence to
rules. The development of learner self-regulation is an overriding goal (Alexander &
Murphy, 1998).
Positive climates do not automatically happen, however. They depend on the teacher
and the kind of learning experiences students have.
Classroom ClimateThink back to your experiences in elementary and secondary school. Were you comfortablein some classes and uncomfortable in others? Did you look forward to some because theywere interesting and stimulating, while you dreaded others and watched the clock in themas the minutes dragged by? The answer for virtually all of us is “yes.”In some classes, the emotional feeling is healthy, positive, and supportive of learning.The environment that supports these feelings represents the classroom climate. Inclasses with a positive climate, students feel capable, included, and secure. A balance ismaintained between teacher direction and student choice, students have freedom withinwell-defined limits, and learner responsibility is emphasized over rigid adherence torules. The development of learner self-regulation is an overriding goal (Alexander &Murphy, 1998).Positive climates do not automatically happen, however. They depend on the teacherand the kind of learning experiences students have.
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