3.6. Gross necropsy
Gross examination of organs and body cavities revealed no
gross lesions or other abnormalities in any of the examined
Determination of the fresh weight of the internal organs as a
percentage of total body weight showed no significant difference
H. Abdel-Aziz et al. / Food and Chemical Toxicology 49 (2011) 903–909 905
in the relative weights of the kidneys, spleen, heart, brain and testes
between control and S. distichum treated groups (Table 3).
However, although there was no significant difference in the relative
liver weights between the Solanum treated and the control
groups after 28 days of treatment, continued treatment for
6 months induced an increase in relative liver weights in the Solanum
treated group reaching nearly 19% in male and 24% in female
animals (Table 3