Lesson COG 35
Task: Identify numbers.
Prerequisites: ADT 1, ADT 4, ADT 5, COG 24
Concept: This exercise marks the beginning of math-related activities. In this task, both concrete objects and symbol representations are used. Upon conclusion, the student should recognize single-digit numerals without other visual cues. The concept of zero is not addressed at this time because concrete objects are used to represent the numerals. Of course, this can be introduced if desired.
Behavioral Objective: When shown at least five cards, each displaying a single-digit numeral (excluding "0" [zero]), the student will respond by pointing or otherwise identifying the digit that the instructor requests to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Objects common to the student's environment in sets of nine and two sets of flash cards with the numerals 1 through 9.