Dear Mr. thongchai,
Thanks for your timely reply. After checking the results, there are some questions need you to clarify:
-The cohesion c and internal friction angle Ø which used in the bearing capacity calculation, are not the exact values shown in the DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT.
For example, the direct shear test result of BH-7 shows that, c=7.43kN/m2 & Ø=41.11 degree at the depth of 1.00-1.45m. However, only c=0 and =39.85 are used in the bearing capacity calculation. Please revise all the parameters accordingly.
-The calculation results show that all the allowable bearing capacity is around 670 t/m2. According to this result, the actual allowable bearing capacity may not based on the shear failure because the shear capacity is relatively high. As far as we concerned, the allowable bearing capacity will be estimated based on the allowable settlement. So please recalculate the allowable bearing capacity within 40mm for allowable limit settlement and 0.001 times the total foundation for differential settlement.
You earlier response will be highly appreciate.