Therefore, a number of machines
varied from 12 to 14 are investigated. A recalculation of
Tos in (1) based on different number of N must be
performed to measure amount of work needed to be
eliminated. The result of calculation is shown in Table II.
It is obvious that if one worker must service more
machines in the cell, the amount of worker service time
must be reduced for compensation. As an example, for
12-machine, the operator service time will be 7.96
minutes and at least 45 seconds of work must be reduced.
Therefore, some unimportant tasks should be eliminated
equal to or greater than a reduction time. Typically, nonvalue
added works should be prioritized and
consecutively eliminated until no further works can be
logically discarded. A work value analysis is shown in
Table III. A list of works including their operation times
are shown in Table IV. Then, all of the alternatives are
simulated by a simulation software program. The
selection criterion is maximum machine utilization and
will be described in details next.
Therefore, a number of machinesvaried from 12 to 14 are investigated. A recalculation ofTos in (1) based on different number of N must beperformed to measure amount of work needed to beeliminated. The result of calculation is shown in Table II.It is obvious that if one worker must service moremachines in the cell, the amount of worker service timemust be reduced for compensation. As an example, for12-machine, the operator service time will be 7.96minutes and at least 45 seconds of work must be reduced.Therefore, some unimportant tasks should be eliminatedequal to or greater than a reduction time. Typically, nonvalueadded works should be prioritized andconsecutively eliminated until no further works can belogically discarded. A work value analysis is shown inTable III. A list of works including their operation timesare shown in Table IV. Then, all of the alternatives aresimulated by a simulation software program. Theselection criterion is maximum machine utilization andwill be described in details next.
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