In the future, my dream
my dream in the future is to be successful in school. Making a good career because to be self-sufficient and able to care for my family enough for me
my dream is suggestible. There are many But the dream that I had to make, it will be twofold.Rank one wants to be a pharmacist because this occupation that I love, and also a profession of faith.And becoming a pharmacist It is a great career and I was like, a long time ago. Now I feel like a pharmacist is to search look on the internet and find out about careers in many occupations, they see the profession within weeks Beach resources, I think it is a good and comfortable, but the drugs. But we get into the pharmacy, it was not easy because we have good chemistry and English. And courses in the Faculty of Pharmacy is divided into several branches. But I want to study in the Hospital Pharmacy. A branch on the research we have expertise, such as those subjected whereby the blood.Oncology, AIDS, chronic diseases, we need to research them and find out the causes of these diseases in which the hospital pharmacist requires a highly skilled and I was determined that I would need to get a pharmacy. And my family was encouraged to study the board with it. The second is like to be a nurse. The nurse is the professional who must see Daniel patients. Encouraging patients to fight disease, which he was to be a nurse, you must have a good heart. Have mercy, have tried to endure the hardships of the profession. The friendly and attentive patient care as well. Like unparalleled remaining on Tatooine and the bright smile bad at all. So I love this profession as well,
but the important thing is that we all have dreams of their own. A dream of the future and yet to come. So I have to do the best for the future, a dream will be achieved. But if we want to be successful in the academic field of occupation but did not begin to make that dream a reality, I will not succeed in life, but if I started to try. Start diligent reading Began to split time I certainly will be successful, even though my dream is just how hard it is to be successful in life, work and study there