SYMPTOMS. The most important effect of cirrhosis of the liver is obstruction to portal vein.
The pathways by which the blood passes though the liver are distorted and obliterated by the scarring and tissue destruction, so that blood is dammed back and collects in the portal vein and branches.
The portal vein collects blood from the stomach and intestines, from the peritoneum, and from the spleen.
All of these organs therefore suffer in cirrhosis.
The mucous membrane of the stomach is continually congested with blood with so that the patient suffers from dyspepsia.
The vein in stomach and to an even greater extent those at the lower end of the esophagus become dilated and tortuous (varicose veins) to such an extent that rupture may occur.
Hemorrhage from the stomach and esophagus is thus thus a common symptom, and the hemorrhage may be so prove fatal.
Backpressure in the veins of the peritoneum causes blood plasma to pass out into the peritoneal cavity where it may accumulate in great amount, a condition known as ascites. The fluid causes so much distention and discomfort that it may have to be drawn off, but after each removal it tends to