Abstract—A new fast numerical algorithm for the double-order
double-argument Hankel transformation is proposed in this
article. Due to the fact of rapid oscillation and slow attenuation of
the kernel function, it is difficult to compute numerically. The
New Algorithm break up the infinite integral interval into two
subintervals. For the infinite subinterval, the integral can be
calculated by Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) efficiently; For
the other finite integral, there has two choice, the one is ordinary
quadrature algorithm which is simple but no efficient enough, the
other is to express the integral as a summation series of the Bessel
function integral, and then the calculus can be done with more
efficient manner.
Abstract—A new fast numerical algorithm for the double-orderdouble-argument Hankel transformation is proposed in thisarticle. Due to the fact of rapid oscillation and slow attenuation ofthe kernel function, it is difficult to compute numerically. TheNew Algorithm break up the infinite integral interval into twosubintervals. For the infinite subinterval, the integral can becalculated by Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) efficiently; Forthe other finite integral, there has two choice, the one is ordinaryquadrature algorithm which is simple but no efficient enough, theother is to express the integral as a summation series of the Besselfunction integral, and then the calculus can be done with moreefficient manner.
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