Several temperature-humidity indexes (THI) have
been used to estimate the degree of thermal stress experienced
by dairy cows. The present objectives were
to develop equations using meteorological variables
that predicted rectal temperature of lactating cows in
a subtropical environment and compare the goodness
of fit of these equations to those using 8 different THI.
Rectal temperature was measured between 1500 and
1700 h in 1,280 lactating Holstein cows in north central
Florida between August and December. Meteorological
data recorded in the barn where cows were located
included dry bulb temperature (Tdb), relative humidity
(RH), dew point temperature, and wind speed. Wet
bulb temperature was calculated. In the first series of
analyses, regression analysis was used to model rectal
temperature using the meteorological variables as well
as THI. The r2 using Tdb (0.41) was slightly less than
for models using all but one THI (r2 between 0.42 and
0.43). The r2 for equations using Tdb could be improved
by adding RH (r2 = 0.43) or RH and RH2 (r2 = 0.44)
to the model. In the second analysis, regression analysis
was performed using forward selection, backward
elimination, and stepwise selection procedures with
the meteorological variables. All models gave a similar
goodness of fit (r2 = 0.44). An analysis of variance with
rectal temperature as a class variable was performed
to determine the least squares means of meteorological
measurements associated with hyperthermia. A Tdb of
29.7°C was associated with rectal temperature of 39°C,
and a Tdb of 31.4°C was associated with rectal temperature
of 39.5°C. In conclusion, Tdb is nearly as good a
predictor of rectal temperatures of lactating Holsteins
in a subtropical environment as THI. Estimates of values
of meteorological variables associated with specific
rectal temperatures should prove valuable in relating
environmental conditions to the magnitude of hyperthermia
experienced by heat-stressed cows.
Key words: temperature-humidity index, dairy cattle,
rectal temperature, heat stress