Family Policies in Germany
Introduction 3 Three logics of family policy
Two logics of German family policy: GDR versus FRG 3
The socialist state as ‚surrogate father‘? Strong husband-breadwinners, marginal fathers - the (West) German case
The right (not) to have children 6
Abortion Policies to enhance ‘fertility’
Rights and obligations 9
Parental obligations, children’s rights Child Support Children’s rights and obligations 12
The citizen-child The right to childcare Filial obligations, family obligations, reciprocity within families
Cash benefits and tax allowances for families 17
Parental Leave, the right to care 18
Maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave The shifting logic of parental leave
Agenda 2010: ‚Vorteil Familie‘ – The family as an ‘advantage’ 20
Summary: Family related policy reform as ‘partial individualisation’ 21
References 24