For sports I have been serving as the leader of the procession music. I woke up early, hit 1 to makeup school with friends that day as the day that I almost did not sleep at all. When it is time to take lead convoy. I'm very excited because they fear doing Miss, but everything was well passed, but there is one thing that I don't like at all: Very hot summer sun and it makes my skin burns and damage dark aura, but overall, very fun because I've watched friends sports and cheerleading and cheer-tutorial. My friends dancing and singing and cheering for a very good standard. Paul was Director of the winning announcement began the race that my friends were successful in acting and award. I feel very glad that my color of this year's Awards. Make it memorable to everyone because of this year's 6 m all mutual assistance. Lighten and responsible of the self it does demonstrate the unity and friendship with each other in m 6. From an unknown person. Now it is known because of the sport, working with many other friend. After completing the sport. Everything must be in the original condition is 50 minutes to return to the same school and students prepare for examinations 6 m. GAT/PAT to University admission. After this, everyone would next to the men themselves.
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