The Use of Computer Assisted Instruction in Preschool
Education: Making Teaching Meaningful
Computers are increasingly a part of preschoolers lives. The purpose of the present paper was
to discuss research avenues employing computers as a learning tool and to analyse the results
obtained by this method at the preschoolersÕ learning level. Specifically this research was to
determine if computer assisted instruction (CAI) was a useful tool to enhance cognitive,
emotional, linguistic, and literacy skills in preschool children. CAI programmes may never
replace the book and the blackboard but one should be aware that they were more accessible
by young children, who learn better with pictures and sounds, and the proper use of appro-
priate programmes could make a considerable difference.
As established by the above review, computer
use has been applied experimentally at the preschool
level on a wide scope of skills and knowledge acqui-
sition. Results demonstrated a significant contribu-
tion of computer use in the classroom as a learning
tool. Such use, however, should keep pace with the
development of children at preschool age. The CAI
programmes applied should be developmentally
appropriate to achieving specific learning goals; a
learning tool of any type would have little effect if the
objectives and plans of the lessons an d means of
teaching are not developmentally appropriate.
Teachers and students should also keep in mind
that teaching through computers is an interactive
process and, consequently, has a positive effect on
learning. It is well known that children learn faster in
an interactively functioning learning environm ent.
This is probably the most important advantage of
computer use in the teaching process against tradi-
tional teaching.
Moreover, the use of computers as a teaching
tool allows children to learn at their own individual
pace. Upon achieving one level of knowledge they
can proceed to the next, which is not the case in
traditional teachi ng.
Also one should bear in mind the small size of
research samples, which will have affected the results
of the intervention programmes.
Evidently, the possibility of increasing childrenÕs
attention spans is a matter that deserves concern gi-
ven the ‘thornÕ presented by the lack of attention in
children in everyday life, both in managing preschool
classes and elsewhere. If the computer lengthens their
attention span, then its broader use should be rec-
The respective teacherÕs capabilities to handle
such technology as a teaching tool have been a very
important factor. It is essential that educators should
be trained in the ability to apply new technologies
and to interact with the studen ts during the learning
process. Attending training programmes and keeping
an open mind are the keys to a teacherÕs success.
Additional research should be done on the
effectiveness of CAI in promoting early academic
skills in preschoolers. As the reviews of this study are
still preliminary, more de tailed guidelines for apply-
ing CAI programmes in practice have yet to be
published. Preschool students need the opportunity
to apply their new skills in a variety of tasks for
generalization. In summary, the use of CAI pro-
grammes can be an effective tool for the teacher: a
tool which can be used to enhance learning academic
skills, promote maintenance of skills, and reinforce
learning through additional practice on a motivating
Finally in order to maximize the benefits of com-
puter use in education, all the educators should keep in
their minds this question: ‘‘Can we use technology to
teach the same old stuff in the same way or can we
capitalize on the benefits of technology by using inte-
grated computer activities to increase achievement?’’
(Clements & Sarama, 2002, pp. 340–343).