Amcor strives to be a leader across all aspects of sustainability.
Our focus is on the environment, our market place, workplace,
community and the economics which benefi t our shareholders.
Whilst there have been a number of initiatives across all aspects of sustainability over the past
twelve months, the key focus has been on the environment.
Building on the substantial work already undertaken in this area, we have set aggressive
environmental targets across our global organisation. Achieving these targets will deliver large
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and waste going to landfi ll.
Our ultimate goal is to have no carbon emissions released to the atmosphere.
Amcor is also taking a leadership role in working with our customers to assist them in adopting
environmentally friendly packaging.
This requires a comprehensive understanding of the lifecycle impact of our products. Packaging’s
most important role is to ensure the resources invested in growing or manufacturing the packaged
product are not wasted by spoilage through the supply chain.
We also aim to ensure that the actual packaging has minimal impact on the environment through
improving its ability to be recycled, decreasing its weight or creating products that will decompose.
You will see in the highlights section of this report that we have also continued to make good
progress in the other aspects of sustainability. Notably our ‘No Injuries’ program has resulted
in injury frequency rates that are 10% of the rates in 1997. Our Voice of the Customer survey
methodology ensures we have a clear understanding of our customers needs. We have also
supported a signifi cant number of community projects at our sites across the world.
Sustainability is integral to the way we do business and underpins our ability to operate at our
264 plants across 39 countries.
Continuous improvement in all aspects of sustainability is a journey that never ends. Amcor
remains committed to constantly challenging itself and our business partners to reshape and
improve our sustainability goals.
Ken MacKenzie
Managing Director
and Chief Executive Offi cer
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