What do you think? But he knows we wouldn't answer. Yes, he'd surely call a neighbor instead.' 'On the other hand It was Julian's fascinated expression that decided Macon. He picked up the receiver. 'Leary," he said. It was Sarah. "i think we should talk," she said to Macon. They agreed to meet for supper in the Old Bay Restaurant the next evening. Macon wore his gray suit coat and gray trousers with one leg neatly cut off at the top of the plaster. Rose had cut his hair, and Porter had lent him his best tie. He was the first to arrive, and when Sarah came in, she greeted him in a cool, distant sort of way, like neighbors meeting at a drinks party. They sat down and ordered their food. "So, why are you living with your family?' Sarah asked. "Well, because of my leg Ican't manage the steps at home." And what happened to your hand?" she asked. "um, Edward bit it," Macon said. "He's getting kind of out of control, to tell the truth." He told her about the trainer he had hired, and how cruel she had been when Edward tried to bite her. "Ridiculous, Sarah said. "He was only frightened; that's why he attacked. There's no point in making him even more scared.' Macon felt a sudden rush of love. Oh, he'd had moments when he'd almost hated her, but the fact was, she was his oldest friend. She was part of his life. It was much too late to cut her out. What Edward needs,' she was saying, is a sense of routine. 'Sarah,' he said, it's been awful living apart. Hasn't it?' ah looked at him. asked you reason, Macon. He could tell it was something he didn't want to hear