Sec. 773.050. MINIMUM STANDARDS. (a) Each basic life-support emergency medical services vehicle when in service must be staffed by at least two individuals certified as emergency care attendants or certified at a higher level of training.
(b) The executive commissioner by rule shall establish minimum standards for:
(1) staffing an advanced life-support emergency medical services vehicle, a mobile intensive-care unit, or a specialized emergency medical services vehicle;
(2) emergency medical services personnel certification and performance, including provisional certification, certification, decertification, recertification, suspension, emergency suspension, and probation;
(3) the approval of courses and training programs, the certification of program instructors, examiners, and course coordinators for emergency medical services personnel training, and the revocation and probation of an approval or certification;
(4) examinations of emergency medical services personnel;
(5) medical supervision of basic and advanced life-support systems;
(6) granting, suspending, and revoking a license for emergency medical services providers; and
(7) emergency medical services vehicles.