’m sure like me, you probably don't find yourself exactly thrilled when you see your ex in public, unless you have already overcome the breakup, or are hoping for a reunion between the two of you. I’m especially not fond of seeing an ex out in public with a new #girlfriend if I’ve just broken up with them on bad terms, but even if I’ve overcome the breakup, some emotions can still be hard to avoid. What I’ve learned over the last years of being single and having time to adjust to seeing my exes out in public, is that it doesn’t have to be a painful experience. If you handle it the right way, it can even make you stronger. There are good and bad ways to deal with seeing your ex in public and I’m here to tell you that most of the time, it can be easy to lean towards the bad ways unless we’re careful. Avoid making a scene or causing yourself more heartache by remembering these tips to keep in mind next #time you see your ex in public. These are also great ideas for seeing friends out in public where the friendship may have ended poorly too, which never hurts to be aware of.
’m sure like me, you probably don't find yourself exactly thrilled when you see your ex in public, unless you have already overcome the breakup, or are hoping for a reunion between the two of you. I’m especially not fond of seeing an ex out in public with a new #girlfriend if I’ve just broken up with them on bad terms, but even if I’ve overcome the breakup, some emotions can still be hard to avoid. What I’ve learned over the last years of being single and having time to adjust to seeing my exes out in public, is that it doesn’t have to be a painful experience. If you handle it the right way, it can even make you stronger. There are good and bad ways to deal with seeing your ex in public and I’m here to tell you that most of the time, it can be easy to lean towards the bad ways unless we’re careful. Avoid making a scene or causing yourself more heartache by remembering these tips to keep in mind next #time you see your ex in public. These are also great ideas for seeing friends out in public where the friendship may have ended poorly too, which never hurts to be aware of.
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