The study was undertaken in Chichu and Haroresa Kebeles,
Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia (Fig. 1). Geographically, it extends
from 68 180 1100 to 68 250 3200 N latitude and from 388 170 4000 to 388
230 4300 E longitude. The altitude ranges from 1450 m to 1800 m
above sea level. The study area is characterized by a bimodal
rainfall distribution with a maximum between March to June
(main rainy season), and a relatively minimum rainfall between
August and October (Fig. 2). The mean annual temperature was
20.7 8C, while the mean monthly temperature ranges from 20.1 to
21.9 8C (National Meteorological Services Agency of Ethiopia,
The dominant soil type in the study is chromic luvisol
(Wendemeneh, 2010), with dusky red (2.5 YR 3/2, moist) to dark
brown (7.5 YR 3/2, moist) surface horizon; and dark reddish brown
(2.5 YR 3/4, moist) to reddish brown (5 YR 4/4, moist) subsurface
horizon. Its surface horizon is also characterized by a granular to
crumb structure, porous and well aerated with good internal
drainage potentials that can be suitable for a wide range of
agricultural uses. It has an argillic B (Bt) horizon due to higher
accumulation of clay compared to the overlying surface horizon.
The land use system in the study area is not purely crop farming,
purely cattle rearing or