Jasmine rice is aromatic. When cooked, it’s soft, has a moist texture, and clings together. Jasmine rice digests very quickly. It’s an excellent base for salads, and a natural companion to vegetables, fish, meats, and cheese. . Jasmine rice native to Thailand, jasmine rice is a long grain rice a bit rounder and starchier, which makes it stickier, than other types of rice. Its popcorn flavor and jasmine aroma pairs well with seafood and dishes made with coconut. Like other types of rice, jasmine rice is low in fat, a good source of energy which provides vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fat and can help you meet your daily iron needs. Jasmine rice has a very high glycemic index of 109, which is more than pure glucose. This attribute of Jasmine rice has been known to help people with sleep disorders when eaten in dinner.