Yuck! What is that? I'm not going to eat that!" Have you heard these words before? You've probably even said them or thought them yourself at some time We all have different tastes for foods we like or don't like. Some people hate anchovies. other people love them Some people would never consider eating bugs. For other people, insects are a normal part of their diet. A lot of certain people choose to eat depends on the culture in which they are raised
One interresting food that is eaten by some people in australia is grilled crocodile. To make this dish, people use the meat from a croccodile's tail. A nice steak cut from the tail can be grilled just like beef. Some people say crocodile meat tastes crocodile meat can also be used to make sausage.
Few people in Scotland have ever tried crocodile sausage, and most probably wouldn't be interested in trying it even if they could. On the other hand, haggis make a tasty dinner in Scotland. Haggis, which resembles a large sausage, is made from a sheep's stomach that has been stuffed with the sheep's other organs are mixed with the organs before putting them into the stomach. The stuffed potatoes. Haggis is a very special dish in Scotland, traditionally served on special days like robbie burns day (January 25), the day celebrating the birthday of scotland's national poet.
Like haggis, many other interesting foods around the world are only prepared on special occasions. In the middle east and some parts of north africa, members of the bedouin tribe may prepare roasted camel as a special feast to serve at wedding celebrations. This food is not easy to prepare, but when people want to members first cook an egg mixture which they put inside cooked fish. These fish are then put inside saveral cooked chickens. The chickens are then put into roasted sheep. Usually one or two sheep will be enough to fill one roasted camel. One roasted camel serves twenty or thirty people, so this dish may be enjoyed by the entire tribe at the wedding.
To many americans, grilled crocodile, haggis, and roasted camel may seem very strange. People might even say these foods are disgusting. But some thing many americans enjoy, such as fried cheese and even fried ice cream, may seem stange or disgusting to other cultures, too. As the old saying says, "to each his own.