The testing revealed that during the first hours after mixing the magnitude of drying shrinkage is proportional to the amount of evaporation. This is demonstrated in Fig. 3, where the amount of drying shrinkage increases with evaporation [15]. The linear trend in Fig.3 can be given by Eq. (1), where the total evaporation amount is taken at 2 h after initial set time:
Early Age Drying Shrinkage (mm/m)
Note that the majority of tests shown in Fig. 3 are done with no wind (20 'C and 40% RH). so many of the evaporation amounts are clustered around 1.0 kg/m2.
The data in Fig. 3 also includes only "normal" concretes. It is likely that high strength concretes would not fail on the same line since they have less bleeding and thus the water is more rapidly lost from within the concrete. For such high strength concretes it is expected that the trend line would shift towards the upper left corner and not have the "0.5" term representing bleeding at the end of Eq. (1).