In this paper, we presented the STEM PBL project, a three-year NSF-funded project aimed at
increasing the STEM pipeline through PBL focused on sustainable technologies. We
discussed how the STEM PBL project team, building on their prior work on the NSF-funded
PHOTON PBL project, is now working with industry and research universities breaking new
ground in sustainable and green technologies to create a comprehensive series of multimedia
PBL Challenges designed to engage students in real-world problem solving. A detailed
summary of the PBL Challenge model was presented as well as a description of the online
professional development course currently being offered over the 2010-2011 academic year
for in-service teachers in PBL instructional methods using the STEM PBL Challenges. We
also described the development of new classroom course in PBL instructional methods for
pre-service TEE teachers scheduled for implementation in spring 2011. Finally, we presented
a discussion on the research activities scheduled to take place to evaluate the efficacy of the
new multimedia STEM PBL Challenges with regard to the learning outcomes and transfer of
training among participating faculty.