Rationale "giving and volunteering" has been defined as a national campaign to raise awareness of giving and volunteering in both the public and private sectors and is considering adding courses on giving and volunteering. Social Assistance in Education Program of the Ministry of Education. Measures are beneficial to both the public and private sector personnel involved in volunteer work. Especially on raising awareness volunteers. At the outset of children and youth in school to the tertiary level. Many of the academy is to encourage and promote and create awareness of giving and volunteering. Instill the values of all sectors in activities that are beneficial to others without expecting anything in return formation proud to have the opportunity to benefit others. This will instill social responsibility and to grow as a valuable resource to Another volunteer work. Creating learning experience through voluntary work activities. Held to promote and enhance the learning experience for students through volunteer work or social activities with understanding society and culture is changing, and changing rapidly through. Student Affairs has organized volunteer projects to benefit the common good. To cultivate students' consciousness and human resources with the values of society forever , so students in English in year four, which were studied in the course of interpreting business documents (Business Documentary Interpretation) assigned to the project of "good things". To teach the students the importance of giving and helping society to engage in good deeds. Create harmony in cohorts. To set a good example to young generations. By integrating the "good things" to such a course. With practice writing English programs. Focus on writing grammatically And practice presenting results of the project with the use of English in class.