We conduct a number of additional analyses to ensure our results are robust to alternative econometric specifications and to examine issues raised by prior research. To control for the possibility that internal control decisions and equity incentives are jointly determined, we employ both propensity score matching (Armstrong et al. 2010) and a change/ remediation analysis, finding our conclusion unchanged. We examine the impact of restricted versus unrestricted equity, as prior research (Burns and Kedia 2006; Johnson et al. 2007) suggests a differential effect on managerial incentives, finding the restricted portion of equity incentives more significantly associated with decreases in the likelihood of MWs. We also find that when we measure incentives for the CEO and CFO separately, the equity incentives of the CFO play a more significant role in determining internal control quality than those of the CEO. Our results are also robust to whether we use Section 302 or Section 404 opinions, alternative sample periods, data sources, and compensation measures.